I wish there was a magic way to open these slips of paper for the drawing. Issach Fonseca won the other magic kit.
There were 3 winners of the $50 gift cards. 1. Jayton Maxwell 2. Lane Sheffield 3. Emily Jones (seen in the picture) I wish I would remember each year to have the children pause for pictures. I get so nervous and excited all at the same time.
We had six tablets to give away with a cover and attachable keyboard. 1. Angel Trejo Meza 2. Layton Campbell 3. Trevor Diaz 4. Brooke Templeton 5. Lily Kate Oustad 6. Jude Vanderland
Trevor Diaz was unable to be at the Carnival so Elizabeth Sheffield picked it up for him.
Little Jude Vanderland had just walked in the door when I called out his name. He was so scared but mom got the tablet for him.
Brianna Fonseca won a t-shirt from performer Andy Mason. T. J. Johnson also won a shirt but was unable to be at the carnival.
Zaree Levell won a CD of Andy Mason's Levi Vanderland Sophie Ford Ruben Fonseca also won CD's
Jakob won a autographed book from Andy Mason. Leslie Walkup also won an autographed copy of his book, but she was unable to be at the carnival.
Patti tells Raylee and Robyn to tape the names on the prizes of the ones who weren't there.