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Electra Public Library


"A Little History"

The P. T.A. through the president, Mrs. E. J. Tarvie, got the idea of establishing a library.  The city could not handle all the expense of it, but gave Mrs. Tarvie $1300.00 which was matched by Reese Allen; others gave lesser amounts until they had over $3,000.00.  The school board let them use the 22' X 26' building on the First Ward grounds after an overflow classroom was no longer needed.  It was later moved to the Waggoner School.

An open house was held on June 17, 1925, with Mrs. J. E. Olmstead (who left after a few weeks) and Mrs. Tarvie was in charge until 1934 of some 5,000 books the townspeople had gathered.  Myrtle Russell became an assistant from 1928-29.  In 1932 plans were made to build a rock building on lots A. L. Robb had given, but the Depression stopped that and the library was closed for several months in 1933. 

After temporary locations and efforts being made in every direction, the City and Library Board got KYA project approved and a brick building was erected at Harrison and North Waggoner Street with an open house held December 11, 1941.  The library prospered for some time with Miss Myrtle Russell, who had been named librarian December 13, 1935.  Then came the deluge- - literally- -in March 1965.  Much water on the flat roof caused it and a wall to fall, ruining over 4,000 books.

On February 26, 1966, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wood gave $10,000 as a memorial to her parents Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Hughes of Electra, toward the new 40' x 90' building.  The state paid half and individuals gave more. The furnished library was dedicated February 26, 1967, with Miss Russell still continuing at the helm until 1982. 

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