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Electra Public Library


     The lifeblood of Electra's Public Library has been its long line of volunteers, book lovers, Library Board Members, Friends of the Library, staff and of course, the heroic women who have served as Librarians.

     They can be considered heroic due to the overwhelming obstacles each librarian has faced during her tenure.  These women have worked long hours for precious little or no financial return for their services.

     They have answered thousands of questions.  They have read tens of thousands of books to children's story times.  They have taught generations of Electran's how to find a book, how to research a subject and how to use a card catalogue be it the old way or the new digital way.  They have taught us that the library is not simply a repository for books.,  They have made the library into a beehive of activity for all ages in our community.  They have raised money to supply the library with material resources to keep our library up to date.

     Over the years the librarians have been fortunate to have faithful staff and volunteers to help with the business of the library.  Student assistants and community volunteers have taken their responsibilities more than seriously.

     The Library Board members from the inception of their group have given untold hours of service, wisdom, advice and counsel to the work of the library.  With the Mayor of Electra and the Superintendent of Schools as permanent members, the list of board members includes some of the most dedicated citizens in the community.

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