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Electra Public Library

Interlibrary Loan Request

Interlibrary Loan Policy

  1. A maximum of 2 requests at any time.  A request is considered active from the time it is initiated until three days after the material is returned.
  2. The library is unable to borrow items published in the current calendar year.
  3. Patrons owing fines of $5.00 or more and/or lost materials may not request interlibrary loans until the fines have been cleared. 
  4. The library will not process ILL requests for patrons with overdue ILL materials.
  5. I understand materials must be returned by their due date to avoid late charges and that interlibrary loan items are not renewable.
  6. Copyright laws apply to all interlibrary loans.

New Fee Policy

  1. Patrons are responsible for any fees accrued during the loan time, especially if the item is lost or damaged while on loan to you.
  2. If the library has to pay said fees, the patron's library account will be put on hold till all charges are cleared from the account.
General Information
Additional Notes
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